Time Vault

This application is my first dapp, the purpose is to allow users to lock away their ether in case of emergency. I used hardhat to develop my smart contract and write my deploy scripts while using NextJS to create a fully responsive frontend. Additionally, I used Moralis for wallect management and the web3uikit for user interaction.


Chess Game

The final project in my Computer Graphics course, Chess Game is a graphics demo showcasing everything that I learned in the course. It uses technique like: color picking, timer functions, lighting, textures, projection in 3D space, and first person movement. The course was taught in C++ and used openGl verion 11.4, I really enjoyed this course and loved the four other projects that culminated in this one.



This app was developed by myself and a team of other students including my twin brother. Hungry is a food suggestion app that helps users decide what to eat, I was responsible for implementing front-end react components including the creation of forms and display cards. This project taught me a lot, I learned a lot about project management with agile principles and got an introduction to the MERN stack.
